Consultation of the classification of an innovation
   Consultation of the classification of an innovation  

This presentation has been conceived, created and drafted by the author of the idea himself/herself and under his/her total responsability.

Le 'Pack Entreprendre'

Offrir une solution complete, 'cle en main', permettant aux entreprises de toutes tailles de rentrer, de facon accompagnee, dans l'univers de la dematerialisation et de la E-administration avec les economies qui en resultent.

To consult the summary of the innovation or idea

Type of the idea :
Classification of the idea :
Classe 38 - Telecommunications.
Keywords  :
TVA urssaf impots declaration
teledeclaration PME-PMI social service
facture paye compta informatique

If this idea has attracted your attention, you can consult the summary of the idea.

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