Why make a deposit on Private Patent ® ?  

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Intellectual property
To protect an idea
From idea to market


Why protect an idea, a record, a plan, ... on Private Patent?

Generally, the owner of an idea should be well-advised to keep evidence proving that he is the one who created this idea :
- because this idea has not been developed yet and that he feels the moral obligation to divulge it ;
- in order to assert his copyright.

That is why Private Patent lets the creator of an idea obtain :
- a precise and definite date to deposit his idea (the date of the deposit on Private Patent) ;
- a legal background to potect his idea.

Private Patent assures suche a level of protection and at the same time lets the owners of ideas present their ideas to industrials and/or financials.

Furthermore, each time your idea will be consulted in its entirety, you will be remunerated. That means that even before being developed your idea will bring you some money.

If you are ready to deposit your idea on Private Patent® click directly here and enjoy our offer of the moment  180 months of free deposit.

Before depositing an idea, we suggest you to read the depositor's guide at your disposal.

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